
New local business looking for local professional website design.

Meet Lisa Hallam of The Lakes Day Spa and her new website!

A professionally designed website, with speed and search engine optimisation in mind.

Lisa’s new website delivers a minimalist, professional image reflective of her taste and discerning clients.

This website delivers speed and excellent user experience

  1. Google Insights score for mobile is 86/100 which is Good (highest level)
  2. Google Insights score for desktop is 91/100 which is Good (highest level)
  3. Pingdom is recording your home page loading in 1.15 seconds
  4. And is faster than 86% of all other websites (Pingdom)
  5. Pingdom webpage speed test score is 96/100
  6. GTMatrix webpage speed test score is 95/100
  7. WebPageSpeedTest records the first website byte is loading in 0.514 seconds
  8. WebPageSpeedTest performance score is A or 96/100

Google PageSpeed Insights Green result

Full service, secure, managed website hosting and business-grade email services.

Lisa’s website is ;

  1. hosted on one of the fastest High-Performance Cloud services with Vultr (up to 4 times faster than the competition) which greatly helps the website loading extremely fast.
  2. email is a Google G-Suite Business account and enjoys unlimited space, access to all Google Apps and unlimited Google Drive
  3. email sending is secured using best practice Domain Signing (DKIM) and SPF records to ensure all emails are delivered to inboxes and not spam folders
  4. the website uses the professional premium website template called DIVI by Elegant Themes. This excellent theme is continually updated with new features, security patches and has both good design and speed built in.
  5. as part of our service, the website is continually updated and monitored for security purposes

Vultr benchmarks outstrips Rackspace and AWS

Vultr benchmarks outstrips Rackspace and AWS

Vultr benchmarks outstrips Rackspace and AWS

Are you running a small business and want the very best user experience possible, contact Paul Woods of WoodsIT.